Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poker - Benefits of online poker bots

Download Poker Bot!

There are many advantages for a poker player to use a online poker robot. these poker robots can improve a players skills and help them to learn new strategies. The poker bots can show a player mistakes that were made during a ad and teach a player how to avoid making these mistakes in the future. this is enabling players to gain valuable poker experience by showing them different strategies to use during game play.

This helps players to avoid making costly mistakes during online poker tournaments. By using this type of software many players are improving heir skills and learning new techniques for how to be successful at playing the game. This is a way for poker players to improve the way that they play the game and how to avoid the typical pitfalls that most players suffer from.

Visit the poker bot forum here.

The ability for players to learn from their mistakes in this manner is very beneficial as a teaching tool. By using a poker bot to play poker there is an exciting new way for players to learn how to improve their skills and develop their playing to the point that thy can compete with more skilled and experienced players. This is helping new players to gain a great deal of practical poker experience in a short amount of time.

By using an online poker robot many players are learning complex new strategies based on mathematical probabilities to help teach them to win a game. This is giving even the most inexperienced poker players the ability to play poker on a much more advanced level than they would otherwise have been able to. B y using this technology to learn many players have already seen a dramatic improvement in their abilities online and in real world games.

This is making it easier than ever for poker players to enhance the skills that they already have and to help point out the mistakes that they have been making. Poker playing is improved by the use of poker playing robots to illustrate the problems and wrong thinking that may be holding a player back from winning hands. This is a way for players to gain many years worth of experience in a short time frame making this one of the fastest ways to learn how to play poker better. Online poker robots are helping to make human players avoid the common mistakes that hold them back.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Poker - Benefits Of Advanced Poker Bot

Poker is a well known game around the world and is played by many of us. Online poker is very famous and almost every second you can find fortunes winning and losing in the last minute. Some players use their strategies while others use poker software that helps them to win the game. One such software is Advanced Poker Bot v2. Advanced poker bot makes use of an advanced artificial intelligence system designed to work with any poker website. The software has inbuilt set of rules and strategies to decide on how to play each hand using artificial intelligence and probabilities to increase the chances of winning the game. This software is compatible with tournaments, fixed or no limit games or sit & go games.


Artificial Intelligence system
One of the most important benefits of this software is that it uses an advanced artificial intelligence system that learns from an opponent’s move and constantly analyzes on increasing your chances of winning the game. Such software’s are designed to work day and night without user intervention. So, if at any time you need to leave your computer, you can select the Auto mode and the software will work at itself.


The software is completely invisible and avoids detection by any poker system. It makes use of different styles, randomizing clicks and time of decisions, randomized mouse clicks and uneven sit out timer to remain undetectable from any poker system.

Easy to Use GUI

With an easy to use graphical user interface, the software can be used by anyone who knows how to play poker. Even a new player, unaware of the poker rules can play the game but he or she should have some basic knowledge of playing the game that will help him operate the software more easily.

Supports 48+ poker rooms

Another important benefit is that it supports a number of poker rooms like 24poker, code poker, canbet poker, crazy poker,, poker host, tell poker, royal Vegas poker and many other poker rooms. 

Works with all games

The software works with all types of games like fixed and no limit games, cash tournaments and sit and go’s. You can also use the software to play with virtual money in order to check the effectiveness and results of the software. It also supports 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 player games.

Compatible with all

One of the issues poker player faces is that the software they use is not compatible with Windows Vista. However, this is not the case with advanced poker bot software as it is fully compatible with Windows Vista and other version of windows like windows 98, ME, XP and windows 2000. In order to run the software, locate the software and right click on it. From the menu that appears, click “Run as Administrator� to run the software. 

Also, make sure that you have the latest version of the .NET framework in order to enhance the performance of the software; otherwise, you might face a problem where the software automatically folds the hands even with good cards. 

Fully Customizable

The software is fully configurable to work according to your criteria. Various settings that you can configure are:

1. Poker Website you wish to play at.
2. Avoid detection by any poker system.
3. Maximum profit or loss limit per table.
4. Playing strategy.
5. Playing style.
6. Bluffing strategy.

View all the features of the bot

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Poker - A great poker bot for online poker players

Online Poker Bot v2.1 - A Great Bot for Online Poker Players

I admit that I struggled with the idea of using a poker bot to play online poker, but I soon got tired of losing all the time because the sites didn’t monitor play enough to catch others using the poker bots or they just didn’t care. I really struggled with the idea. After all, isn’t using a poker bot cheating, but then I remember that there has always been cheating in the game and I shouldn’t feel guilty about it if all the other players at the table are cheating with a bot, too. That’s when I decided to do more research in finding the best poker bot for my play.

So, here’s a quick review of what a poker bot is and what it can do. Poker bots are just a basic computer program that uses statistical mathematics that’s based upon each player’s hand to decide your best probable move. It might not work all the time but it does increase your chances of winning.

Poker Bots do have limitations because they're really just a program. Poker bots have a hard time of identifying bluffs, fakes, and some of the other tricks a human poker player will use. Also, as a player using a poker bot, you really need to understand the game of poker in order to get the most out of your poker bot.

I did find out through my research that the one benefit of using a poker bot was that many were already at a level that they could win in the low stakes games, but I wanted more. I didn’t want to be an average player; I wanted to get into the higher staked games. Could a poker bot do that for me? The answer was yes and the best one I found for my money was Online Poker Bot v2.1.

I chose Online Poker Bot for a number of reasons. The main reason is that is had some characteristics the other poker bots didn’t have and that’s ability to be undetectable. It offered random delays to make it seem human and the developer said that is was so undetectable that I didn’t need to run it off a second computer. This was very important to me; I didn’t want to get kick off any sites because I decided to do what everyone else is doing!

Online Poker Bot v2.1. was a great choice for me. I loved the fact it supported 20 different poker rooms. It also gave me detailed instructions on how to set it up and use on each site. I didn’t have to be a programming genius to figure out how to use it! It also allowed for a variety of play No Limit, Pot Limit, Tournaments and Sit & go's. Online Poker Bot v2.1 gave me a lot of flexibility in my game play.

The automatic features has made me want to tell others about it. The fact it supports up to four tables at the same time makes it a great tool for today’s Online Texas Hold’em poker. I love that it automatically sits out when my profit or loss limits have been reached or when player limits fall below a minimum. That really helps on the days I’m more interested in playing than what I’m spending. Add free software updates for life to keep the program current and it become the best poker bot on the market. It’s made me competitive again and I’m not going broke anymore!